Rekindling My Romance With Running

I rekindled my romance with running on Monday. I woke up in an awesome mood, the temperature was perfect, and I made a new playlist so my tunes were on point. After a mile, I kept asking myself why the heck was I dreading running so much the last few weeks? I’ve been forcing myself to run because I know that I needed to for training, but Monday’s run was the first in a long time that actually felt good and was something that I wanted to be doing. At one point, I was imagining crossing the Philly finish line & got pretty emotional (LOL)! I started to think about my goals and how much I want to crush them which also made me realize the amount of work that I need to put in to get there. After my run, I was in an even better mood than when I started which carried through to all my runs this week! I need to keep this positive attitude about running so I don’t fall back into a rut.

IMG_8613one of my fav spots 🙂

While running, I decided that I need to continue to take advantage of these beautiful mornings, even if it’s pitch black, rather than start running at the gym again. It’s just too perfect outside to be running on the dreadmill. This made me realize that I need to invest in a reflector vest or something of the sort ASAP. I was using my phone flash light but I didn’t feel very safe. Of course I reached out to my Oiselle lady birds for some suggestions! Headlamps, reflector vests with or without LED lights, other reflective clothing, knuckle lights… there’s so many options! Safety is key! I’ve been running with my phone light all week, besides one afternoon run (where I was just running along, minding my own business then looked up to find the cutest 4 month old Golden named Cooper right in front of me), but my dad went ahead and ordered me a pretty cool reflector vest that is scheduled to arrive today -> Thanks Dad ❤

Speaking of Oiselle, my racing singlet is arrived earlier this week! I can’t wait to represent such an awesome company in my next race! They’re having a killer sale on sale right now that you might want need to check out. Watch out though! I advise you possess the skill of self-control before taking a peek because it’s that good. Heads up -> it took me forever to load the website then proceed to checkout because of how great the sale is!IMG_8612

Yesterday, after a long draining day (actually all week) of off-site training for work, I came home to my BELIEVE training journal waiting for me in the mail which I’m super excited about. Designed by pro runners Lauren Fleshman and Ro McGettigan, it’s lined with tons of tips and advice for any level runner but ultimately leaves it up to you to map out your own fitness journey. What are your goals and why? How are you going to get there? Setbacks? There’s a place to put weekly items to focus on, fun questions at the top of each page such as “ways you can improve your nutritional approach” or “obstacles you might face”, and it set up free form which makes it easy to track your progress however you want! While I was using another training log, I decided this one was better for me. I’m looking forward to logging my first 13 miler, since a couple weeks ago, tomorrow morning 🙂


It feels good to be back in the groove !

7 Comments Add yours

  1. Hanna @ TheMillennialNextDoor says:

    Glad you are enjoying running again! I think the cooler temps are putting all of us in a better mood. Summer just really sucked this year, at least running-wise.

    I looooooove my Believe journal! I’ve had mine for almost a year now. I’m going to have to get another one soon!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree, the cooler temps is really making me want to run! Summer really did suck running wise. I wish i had gotten the believe journal earlier in the year but the beauty of it is I can start it whenever I want to… but my OCD just wishes it was 1/1 lol!


  2. I think the cooler temps are helping us all!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. agreed! Thank God they are finally here!

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  3. Love your new racing singlet and so happy to hear you are enjoying running again! For me, I’ve been “just getting through it” for the past few weeks. But now the temperatures are dropping, so that has helped. I’m tapering, which means I get to cool it with the mileage – also a huge help. I love high mileage weeks but sometimes I just need a minute (or several) to relax! I don’t have much planned after my marathons so I plan to “fall in love with running” again. Thanks for the inspiring read!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “fall in love with running” again… I see what you did there 🙂

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